Boulon Brasserie

Blending casual elegance, rustic warmth, and timeless French tradition

Boulon Brasserie and Bakery in Tampa is a delightful enclave of French culinary tradition, nestled in the warm embrace of the Sunshine State. As you step inside, you’re transported from the bustling streets of Tampa to a cozy brasserie on the boulevards of Paris. The atmosphere is a seamless blend of casual elegance and rustic charm, perfect for an evening of indulgence and good company.

The meal begins with French Onion Soup, a classic that never fails to warm the soul. At Boulon, it’s a symphony of deep, caramelized onions, rich beef broth, and a floating island of toasted baguette crowned with melted Gruyère. Each spoonful is a comforting embrace, a reminder of why this simple soup has stood the test of time in the pantheon of French cuisine.

The main course, Steak Frites with Filet Mignon, is a testament to the time-honored traditions of French cooking. The steak is cooked to perfection, its exterior seared to a flavorful crust, while the inside remains tender and juicy. It’s paired with crispy, golden frites – a delightful contrast in textures. The pomme purée, silky and rich, serves as a luxurious companion to the meal, each forkful a creamy delight.

To accompany this feast, a 1664 Kronenbourg is the beverage of choice. This lager, with its crisp and slightly hoppy profile, is the quintessential French beer. It complements the richness of the meal beautifully, cleansing the palate and preparing you for the next delicious bite.

Dining at Boulon Brasserie and Bakery is more than just a meal; it’s an experience. It’s a culinary journey to the heart of France, right in the heart of Tampa. Here, amidst the laughter and clinking of glasses, the world slows down just enough for you to savor every bite, every sip, and every moment.