I'm Dan Denney, a front-end dev at DataCamp.
Ok, ok. I'm technically a Senior Software Engineer II, but front-end dev just rolls off the tongue. This my personal playground for sharing many of the things I enjoy, most of which revolves around web design and development.
Recent Blog Posts
They're mostly around front-end dev and web conferences, with some occasional life things sprinkled in.
Most Recent Blips
Shorter than a blog post, longer than a tweet. This is where I share quick reactions or stash things I want to remember.

Job openings
- AI search prompts are challenging
Trying to get AI to search like me
- Thankful for Fight Camp
Boxing away the beer and brisket
- Read Later
I killed Pocket, for Notion
- Fun With Framer AI
Checking out their new landing page prompt option
- Filter an Array by Keyboard Rows
Using ChatGPT for JS problems
Recent finds from around the web
I'm starting to stash everything in a "library" and archive them by month.
- 23 CSS features you should know (and be using) by now - YouTube - Kevin Powell
- Snappy UI Optimization with useDeferredValue • Josh W. Comeau I need to memoize more
- Using react-intersection-observer to create a dynamic header - LogRocket Blog Feels a little over-engineered, but c’est la React
- Discovery Coding Basically how we work
- shadcn/editor Gorgeous rich text editor
- Full-Bleed Layout with Modern CSS – Frontend Masters Boost Clever and useful
Cooking and enjoying food and drinks are my hobbies outside of web development. With No ReservAItions, I've found a way to mix the two. I'm using ChatGPT to create reviews for the places that I visit in the spirit of Anthony Bourdain and I'm having so much fun with it!